Soup-er Sound - Kidney Health Education and Research Group

Soup-er Sound

The Bangladesh Centre & Community Services (BCCS) hosted a fundraising festival on Dec 1, 2019 featuring soup and live music. Members of KHERG were happy participants alongside community members of BCCS. BCCS organizes regular community gatherings to meet their aim of creating and managing a strong and stable sense of community.

The afternoon started with a serving of a variety of delicious soups, most of them family recipes, prepared by members of the community. Despite the snowy weather, we saw people encouraging their friends and other members to join in on the fun via live feed on social media. As the evening progressed, more members began to trickle in to join in on the festivities.

Team members of KHERG got an opportunity to interact with the community members. Conversations began with how delicious the soups were and led into a discussion of the health benefits of the different ingredients used and how it had an effect on our overall health.

Noor El-Dassouki, a Research Associate with KHERG, was invited up to the stage to introduce our group and the work that we do. She invoked the interest of the members present, giving way to a dialogue on kidney health, disease and organ donation and transplantation.

The presentation was followed by a musical evening including individual performances by some very talented members of the community. It was an absolute delight to be a part of their event, where we got a glimpse into the Bangladeshi culture and had the amazing opportunity to start the conversation around kidney health and kidney disease.

I’m still dreaming of soup!

Written by: Simran Chahal

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