Kidney Health and You - An Event Hosted by the Chinese Renal Association - Kidney Health Education and Research Group

Kidney Health and You – An Event Hosted by the Chinese Renal Association

On March 22nd, 2019, the Chinese Renal Association Chapter of the Kidney Foundation of Canada hosted a public event at First Markham Place to raise awareness of chronic kidney disease and the life-changing gift of organ donation. This event was held in support of Kidney Health Month, and engaged the community in discussions about keeping your kidneys healthy, risk factors for kidney disease, and the importance of kidney transplant and organ donation.

Interactive activities at the event demonstrated how food intake, BMI, and lifestyle factors affect your risk of developing chronic kidney disease. To visualize the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to kidney health, the audience was engaged by an exciting Tai Chi performance and encouraged to participate in the exercise as well.

Following the Tai Chi performance, a Press Conference was held to talk about kidney disease, prevention, and treatment.

Dr. Anita Dunn, a Nephrologist at Mackenzie Health, began the conference by discussing the major causes of chronic kidney diseases and key points on prevention. Min Zhu, a transplant recipient, then shared her personal experience as a patient, and Dr. Istvan Mucsi, a Transplant Nephrologist at the University Health Network, expanded on Zhu’s presentation by addressing the importance of organ donation. Joe Li, Regional Councillor of Markham & York Region, ended the press conference by sharing his views on the importance of maintaining and supporting kidney health in the community.

Our Kidney Health Education and Research Group Team was excited to join the event and have the opportunity to raise awareness of kidney disease and discuss the importance of addressing cultural barriers to kidney transplant in the Chinese community.

Written by Noor El-Dassouki
Photo credits: Paul Li, Chinese Renal Association

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