Improving Health Equity: Increasing Access to Living Donor Kidney Transplantation Among Chinese Canadians - Kidney Health Education and Research Group

Improving Health Equity: Increasing Access to Living Donor Kidney Transplantation Among Chinese Canadians

Are you a Chinese Canadian living with kidney disease or kidney failure? Are you a kidney transplant recipient or kidney donor? Are you thinking about donating your kidney? Are you a caregiver of a Chinese Canadian patient living with kidney disease?


We want to hear from you!

We want to better understand the Chinese Canadian community’s thoughts, concerns, and feelings about living-donor kidney transplantation. We want to hear about your experiences with kidney disease or kidney transplant. We invite you to participate in a 60-minute virtual or in-person focus group or individual interview in English, Mandarin or Cantonese.

This research study, called “Improving health equity: Increasing access to living donor kidney transplantation among Chinese Canadians”, is a collaboration between the University Health Network, Scarborough Health Network and The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids). All information we collect is confidential. You will receive an honorarium for your participation.

Study Principal Investigators are:

Dr. Samantha Anthony (SickKids) and Dr. Istvan Mucsi (UHN)

To learn more about how you can be a part of this project, please email or call us at:


(416) 340-4800 EXT 6582

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