Explore Transplant Ontario Program - Kidney Health Education and Research Group

Explore Transplant Ontario Program

Launch of the ETO program

To address the lack of transplant education in Ontario, Dr. Mucsi and Dr. Novak teamed up with Dr. Amy Waterman, creator of the widely successful program ‘Explore Transplant’. The program, which was developed by Dr. Waterman at UCLA, aims to dispel myths and misconceptions and explain the transplant process from both medical and past patients’ perspectives. Explore Transplant helps patients and potential donors make informed, knowledgeable, and empowered decisions about their health and treatment options.

Dr. Mucsi and Dr. Novak then worked to bring the program to Ontario’s healthcare system, with the help of patients, physicians, and nurses from six transplant centres across the province.
Learn more about Explore Transplant

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